2, 2014: I’ve updated this article for the 10.1 release of Final Cut Pro X.
NOTE: This article discusses how to create Freeze frames, which is a variation on a still frame. To learn how to create Hold frames, read this article. In earlier versions of Final Cut Pro X, we could create a Hold frame.Only existed in the middle of the clip that contained the frame.

Treated just like any other clip in terms of effects and transitions.Inserted into the Primary Storyline, a connected storyline, or as a connected clip.Created from Primary Storyline clips, connected clips, even Event Browser clips.Couldn’t be moved somewhere else in the Timeline.Always applied an ease-in, ease-out speed change just before and after the Hold. Put your playhead on the frame of the Primary Storyline clip you want to freeze. (If skimming is turned on, the position of the playhead determines the location of the freeze frame.) The Primary Storyline clip does not have to be selected. NOTE: While this does not have a default keyboard shortcut, you can easily create one using Final Cut Pro > Commands > Customize (shortcut: Option+Command+K). The resulting freeze frame is instantly inserted into the Primary Storyline at the position of the playhead. Notice that the title of the clip displays the timecode of the frame in the source clip. NOTE: The default duration of a freeze frame is four seconds. You can change this in Final Cut Pro > Preferences > Editing by adjusting the Still Images duration. In my case, I’ve set this to 3.00 seconds. To create a freeze frame from a connected clip, the procedure is the same, except you first need to select the connected clip. NOTE: If no clip is selected, the freeze frame is selected from the Primary Storyline. If a connected clip is selected, the freeze frame is taken from the selected clip. In all cases, the position of the playhead determines which frame is frozen. This new way to create freeze frames is really helpful when you want to create a freeze frame from one clip and add it some place totally different in the Timeline.